Grace for the Windy Days


Some days you’ll encounter difficulty and resistance, like you’re leaning into the wind.

I’ve been working on a landscape lately, and honestly it’s been a bit of a frustrating painting process. Mostly because it’s new to me and I’m still learning how to paint shadows and light in an abstract style.

After my painting session, I had to go for a walk to redirect my frustrated energy into exercise. It was very windy and the resistance was so strong that I found myself having to lean forward so I didn’t fall over. I walked through what felt like a wind tunnel!

Ironically the walk mirrored the feelings in my painting session.

Some days are going to feel like that- you’ll encounter difficulty and resistance, like you’re leaning into the wind. Times when you’ll have to lean into the wind just to stay standing.

You might be left feeling a bit weary or frustrated from the push back.

Forging a new path is just hard sometimes!

So today, give yourself grace for the windy days- and know that sunny days are coming.

Peace & Love,


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Grace in between